Greetings (English)

ごあいさつ (Japanese)

We have kept activities to seek the answer of the mystery of the earth for peace on earth without being bound to the concept so far.


Earth that we live in, has been shrouded in many mysteries about ruins, ethnic origin, the history and the mechanisms of nature.


The mystery have given birth to a variety of interpretation and the difference of interpretation has sometimes led to the conflict between ethnic groups.


[[Eye for an eye]] of Islamic society means originally "If you get a beautiful thing to see, please return the one which looks beautiful." [[A tooth for a tooth]] means "If you are given food, please give back in the form of something for the gift." It taught we should not monopolize the wealth of the earth. Jews and Palestinians have different religions, but they seems to have been good friends born in the same country as originally.


We should establish a peaceful society by reducing the conflict and anxiety of people as much as possible. In order to do it, it is important for us to act by knowing the correct information as much as possible.


Our group, specified nonprofit corporation,' The Association of Solving the Enigma for the Peace of the Earth' study and verify the human history, archaeological sites which have been handed down. Our group also study and verify natural phenomena and a variety of enigmas which have not been solved. We would like to contribute to the realization of a peaceful society by providing people the information obtained by our study and verification.


Thank you very much.



(NPO The Association of Solving the Enigma for the Peace of the Earth)